Saturday, February 11, 2006

Hellloooooo family and friends! I have only nerdy school news to post.... I AM GOING TO PARIS, FRANCE FOR THE SUMMER SESSION!!!!! And I am a weee bit excited about it!! I am going to do a study abroad in Normandy/Paris for 5 weeks this summer (May-June). What an absolutely fitting way to finish up my 16-year quest for a Bachelor's Degree!!! This is the hotel I will be in the first night: there is a little video of it on the link... It is a hostel-type hotel. The video clip makes me laugh... the close-ups of the salle de bains (bathroom) is my favorite (ha ha). It does show a triple room, which is what we will be in the 1st night. Then our group hops a bus to a village in Normandy where we will be staying in a farm house for a full week of study and village life. Then back to Paris! Back in Paris we will stay in a extended-stay hotel/apartment: I am so excited... you guys know how much I love to travel and I LOVE France!!


The Poth's said...

PARIS is amazing, I am so jealous! Make sure to eat a Nutella crepe for me!

Matt and Cindy Fleharty said...

Awesome! You're right - a great way to finish up!